Lynn Beyak

Reconciliation can’t happen without truth. So why do some suppress it?

Opinion: Indigenous survivors of residential schools continue to be denied their truth by the ignorant—but also by those working toward reconciliation

A time-travelling look at Sen. Lynn Beyak’s future podcast career

What will Lynn Beyak do, now that she’s been booted from caucus? Tabatha Southey heads to the future to see what the senator will say before she retires

We’re stuck with Lynn Beyak. So let’s put her to good use.

Stephen Maher: Since Canada must keep paying the senator’s bills, we might as well use her as teaching tool to learn about history and a racist system

Lynn Beyak and the real danger of racist fabulism

Opinion: How deep-seated intolerance and bigotry are stubbornly passed from one generation to the next

Why does Lynn Beyak still have a job?

The Conservative senator’s inappropriate comments got her kicked off a Senate committee last spring, but she recently advised Indigenous communities to fix their own problems

5 ways Trump has already poisoned Canadian politics

Suddenly Canadian politicians are making claims of vote rigging, calling others ‘losers’ and complaining about ‘fake news’. Sound familiar?