Barack and Michelle Obama begin their farewell tourAs the Obamas say goodbye, they’re busier on the campaign trail than Hillary Clinton
For the record: Michelle Obama takes on Trump in New Hampshire’We as decent human beings can come together and declare that enough is enough,’ First Lady says, addressing lewd comments
The long, often ugly relationship between Clintons and ObamasThey’ve come a long way since 2008 when Barack Obama called her ’likeable enough’ and Hillary Clinton described him as ’unqualified’
Hillary Clinton, and the case for secondAmidst celebration of the first woman nominee for president, hope for all that comes next
Transcript: Michelle Obama on Hillary Clinton: ’I’m with her.’Watch the First Lady of the United States address the Democratic National Convention
Q. Is Donald Trump the leader of the Republican Party?Canadian’s have questions about the Republican National Convention. We have answers to the most-googled ones.
The making of Michelle ObamaBook review: A biography of Michelle Obama traces her mostly happy journey from the south side of Chicago to the White House
Backlash against basic blackJennifer Lawrence in coral, Sofia Vergara in emerald and the First Lady wears red