murder hornets

Washington State Department of Agriculture entomologist Chris Looney displays a dead Asian giant hornet, a sample sent from Japan and brought in for research, on May 7, 2020, in Blaine, Washington. - The new Asian hornets that have been found in Washington state may be murder on already stressed-out honeybees, but for humans its like a repeat of the sensationalized scare that turned Africanized killer honeybees of the 1970s: a real and nasty bug hyped into a horror movie motif that didnt quite fulfill its scary billing. Numerous bee and insect experts tell people to calm down about the so-called murder hornets, unless you are a beekeeper. (Elaine Thompson/AFP/Getty Images)

Here come the murder hornets, the Western honeybee’s worst nightmare

Conrad Bérubé has already taken down one nest of the aggressive hornets that can wipe out defenceless honeybees. And he’ll go to war again.