

Turn Off the Music on PUSHING DAISIES

I know Pushing Daisies is so sugary-sweet it can cause cavities; and that’s to say nothing of all the pie puns and silly names and the endless repetition of this week’s catchphrase (in the season premiere it was “Betty’s Bees” that got repeated about 300 times). But I like it. I have high tolerance for whimsy, as well as goofball private-eye shows where this week’s mystery somehow reflects back on the inner lives of the main characters. The show it most resembles is Moonlighting — goofy mysteries that allow the main characters to reflect on their personal problems; rapidly-delivered, pun-laden scripts; lavish production values. It hasn’t yet shown an ability to stretch into different kinds of episodes the way Moonlighting did with its Shakespeare and film noir parodies, and it would help if Pushing Daisies would similarly do some episodes that depart from the basic formula. (Yes, I am saying that Pushing Daisies needs more gimmicks. Paradoxical, isn’t it?) Also, this kind of show can burn out really quick. But for now, it’s fun. Even if the character I identify with the most is Emerson, the only person in the cast who operates according to real-world logic and is driven insane because he’s in a world where logic doesn’t apply.