A new projection prepared for Maclean’s by Innovative Research suggests the Liberals will lose seats but keep power. The biggest gains may be made by the NDP.
Philippe J. Fournier: The latest election projection sees the parties deadlocked. But the Conservatives may have reached their ceiling early in the campaign.
Stephen Maher: Trudeau and O’Toole—two leaders fighting for their political careers—stood out in a debate that may have been short on substance but not drama
Philippe J. Fournier: After one week, our projection shows the race tightening, support for the NDP growing and the odds of a Liberal majority shrinking
Innovative Research asked Canadians which human attributes describe the major parties. It’s a revealing look at what each does well—or needs to do better.
Philippe J. Fournier: The latest 338Canada model suggests it will be a challenge for the Liberals to win a majority, and it’s unlikely to get any easier
Paul Wells: A new, large-sample national survey by Innovative Research for Maclean’s suggests growing Liberal strength in a handful of key seat clusters
The NDP MP delivered a powerful and eloquent farewell address to the House of Commons. ’As long as these halls echo with empty promises, I will not belong here.’