Canada’s hesitancy on military defence is leaving us vulnerablePaul Wells: NORAD says the threats are higher than they’ve been in decades and action is needed now. Good luck getting Canada on board.
Why it’s crucial that Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un get alongOpinion: While much was made over Trump and Kim’s sometimes awkward chumminess at their summit, that will be important if peace is to endure
North Korea, the Stanley Cup—so much winning in WashingtonAllen Abel takes in the most joyous march on Washington in a quarter-century, while the U.S. president was making history of another kind in Singapore
Trump on trusting North Korea, human rights, war dead, sanctions and war games — Full transcriptPresident Donald Trump gave remarks and took questions following his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
Why cancelling the U.S.-North Korea summit may have been the right callOpinion: If America wasn’t prepared for the high-stakes summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, perhaps its collapse was the best-case scenario
Donald Trump’s diplomacy: mad genius or dumb luck?Scott Gilmore: The simplest explanation is that Trump is merely bumbling through the corridors of global power, but among all the missteps there have inevitably been fortunate landings
Farewell to Rex Tillerson, Chrystia Freeland’s man in WashingtonRex Tillerson’s firing as U.S. secretary of state is a heavy blow for Canada’s foreign minister, who worked in step with him on North Korea and Russia
After a period of high anxiety, it’s time for patience on North KoreaOpinion: There’s optimism around the Korean crisis—but we need a coherent, long-term strategy for diplomacy and engagement with North Korea
The North Korean figure skaters have a Canadian connectionRyom Tae Ok and Kim Ju Sik spent last summer in Montreal training with Team Canada coach Bruno Marcotte
Why women should rule the worldMartin Amis on nuclear war, the difference between Brexit and Trump, and why all writers really do think about posterity