For Ontario’s Conservatives, another fine messPaul Wells: The night ends with a Doug Ford win—ha-ha, nervous laugh. If there’s a lesson it’s that Ontario conservatism is a complex coalition.
Caroline Mulroney’s mad scramble to make a name for herselfHer famous name and family ties have helped her organize and raise money. But in this too short PC leadership race her inexperience may be her undoing.
Christine Elliott is the right leader for a #MeToo momentJonathan Kay: The Ontario PC party needs a woman at the top, and in this leadership race, her story of family and career should inspire
The conservative case for a carbon tax in CanadaOpinion: Instead of scoring cheap political points on Trudeau’s carbon tax, Conservatives need to get serious and offer their own alternative
What Patrick Brown reveals about Canada’s broken leadership systemsOpinion: The Ontario PCs’ former leader is running for the top job again—and it reveals what’s wrong with how parties choose leaders
Caroline Mulroney passes her first test at the PCs’ opening debateOpinion: The first Ontario PC leadership debate was a bit of a bust—but the rookie candidate showed signs that she could win the party’s top job
Ontario PC leadership debate: Watch it hereLeadership candidates Christine Elliott, Doug Ford and Caroline Mulroney debate each other today. Watch the broadcast here.
Why ’the mom card’ is a tricky game for women in politicsOpinion: Motherhood is a complicated issue for female politicians to highlight, which is what makes Mulroney’s emphasis on her status so interesting
Vic who? The Ontario PCs name an interim leaderVic Fedeli has been quietly building a profile at Queen’s Park since 2011. Is this the man who will take down Ontario’s Liberal dynasty?