Pandemic puppies have a major anxiety problemAll those dogs Canadians adopted during the pandemic? They’re a little undersocialized now.
The bright side of self-isolation: All the pets who found homesMonths of being stuck at home led to an uptick in pet adoptions across the country. Here are a few of the cuddly critters that became new family members during lockdown.
Why pet people are the animal lovers that wildlife needsAuthor Peter Christie urges pet owners to extend their love to increasingly vulnerable non-domestic creatures
Why rats are overdosing in Vancouver’s Downtown EastsideRodents and other pets have been getting into their owners’ drugs, forcing community volunteers to play emergency vet
Is there hope for the pets of Fort McMurray?There are already plans to rescue pets that Fort McMurray evacuees had to leave behind, but experts say animals are also miraculously fire-smart
Canada’s most unusual power hubsParliament Hill may be our seat of power, but there are two far odder places where power also gathers—a cat room and a salon
Puppy remorse? It’s time to call in the pros.That furry friend turned demon dog isn’t the problem. His owners are.