Evan Solomon and John Geddes on a packed Liberal agendaFollow along with speedy punditry on pipeline politics, the impact of La Loche, and renewed relations with Iran
What we learned from Keystone XLThe debate around Keystone distracted us from a sensible discussion about environmental policies and the economic impact of pipelines
A national energy strategy everyone agrees on but nobody will act onAnd with another pipeline spill, it’s hard to see how the newest provincial blueprint for an energy strategy will accomplish anything
We’ve been evaluating pipeline projects all wrongWe should ask whether the social returns on investment are sufficiently large to outweigh the costs of resources used
Our national obsession with a lack of productivityAnd how we’re misusing Statistics Canada data to track it
Who stands up for railways when oil spills off the tracks?The big news: Pipelines once again touted as solution in wake of prairie derailment