
Universities’ new rules for cheating

Three students complete a group assignment. One cheats. Should they all be punished?


Sunday SFU Post #1: “FD” mark mentioned on MSNBC.

Like any patriotic Canadian, I care far too much when American media mentions anything north of the 49th. That being said, the mention of SFU’s new “failure with academic dishonesty” policy on MSNBC is probably the first and last time Keith Olbermann  says the words “Simon Fraser University” consecutively in his life.


No drama, mate

Remarks from a Conservative party source, who cannot be named, suggest the party’s borrowings from Australian political allies may continue to present moment. “Steve’s spewin’ about the way this Bob Rae bloke’s having a lend of you,” said the strategist. “Wish he’d rack off. We’d best get back to the financial meltdown thingo, or the whole economy’s going to cark it.”


NY Columbia professor accused of plagiarism is dismissed

A Columbia University professor who garnered international attention after a noose was discovered hanging from her office door last fall has been fired over allegations of plagiarism, according to a report from the Associated Press.