Who’s suing whomA Vancouver Island First Nation sues over land claims, and a transgendered woman in Winnipeg accuses police of abuse
Layton: the final enigmaEventually, Canada will begin to oblige men in Layton’s position to be excruciatingly forthright about their health
Google wants to see your papers Google will let you use whatever name you want—so long as it’s on your driver’s license, too
Who owns your Facebook friends?A tool that lets users export their Facebook ‘friends’ to a rival service may expose the site’s Achilles heel
High-tech smear jobFacebook’s attempts to plant nasty news stories about Google shows just how intense the rivalry between the two has become
Cleaning up Britain’s privacy lawsShould government or the courts draw the line between free speech and the right to privacy?
I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, Apple tracks meSo what if your iPhone tells Apple where you’ve been?
Nursing students suspended for posting placenta picture on FacebookSchool may have overreacted, but students should have known better
Ryerson librarian will keep his jobTaking photographs of strippers from campus office not a ’fireable offence’