
(Illustration by Alisha Davidson)

The key to survival: Find five people. Hold them close.

Close relationships—about five of them—are as essential as food and water, according to this author

Julius Morry (left) with his son, Jeff, in his longtime basement workshop (Photograph by Skye Spence)

To my dad, an art restorer: ‘You have operated a one-man hospital mending shattered souls’

Julius Morry, writes his son Jeffrey, taught him that the only meaning of possessions is the one we ascribe to them

How to make long-distance relationships work at university

Three-quarters of university students have a long distance relationship at some point. Tips for surviving from someone who knows

In conversation with author Stephen Marche

Anne Kingston talks gender and relationships with writer Stephen Marche

The end of neighbours

How our increasingly closed-off lives are poisoning our politics and endangering our health

Watch ‘The Notebook,’ save your marriage

A revolutionary study finds the best technique for preventing divorce: Hollywood

Living apart, together

1.9 million Canadians, many 60-plus, are saying no to cohabitation and marriage

Love is a four-number word

That magical password that unlocks your phone could seal a romance—or ruin it

This isn’t your high school dating scene

University means big changes to romantic relationships

Are women ill-suited to monogamy?

The two-year itch: New books on female desire (or the lack of) argue the problem isn’t low libido, but monogamy.

Let them have sex. It’ll be educational.

Let them hook up. It’ll be educational.

Emma Teitel on the educational side of casual sex

Online dating and the search for true love — or loves

The soulmate search will soon be mobile, transparent and constant