How to keep your job in the semi-automated workforce of the futureFrom the editors: A third of Canadian jobs could be done by robots right now. But thankfully some occupations will always require a human touch. Probably.
With robots, humanity can meet its full potential: unlimited nappingFeschuk: Will robots really allow us to flourish, or will we just sink deeper as a species into the couch?
The coming automation disruptionTwo new studies point to industries and jobs that could change dramatically with the rise of the machines
These robots hope you’ve enjoyed your hotel stayA hotel in which 10 robots do 90 per cent of the work—what could possibly go wrong?
Stop! We must take you to ButtbotWhen the robot apocalypse finally comes, says Scott Feschuk, let’s at least try to die with some dignity
Killer robots on the loose (again) Supercomputers built with networked animal brains: What could possibly go wrong?
The robot working-class invasionA new breed of small but complex ‘learning’ robots are set to revolutionize manufacturing and labour
Futurist Brian David Johnson on microchips and why there is nothing to fear from robotsIn conversation with Brian Bethune
Firm to launch robot version of pop stars for home entertainmentIt’s Guitar Hero on a whole new level
Worried by sandwich-buying robots?A review of the latest in robotics based on the Kill-Us-All-o-Meter