Finding the humanity in schizophreniaSusan Doherty, author of The Ghost Garden, delves into the damage wrought by one of the most terrible and terrifying mental disorders known
Why understanding the biology of our minds could cure autism and schizophreniaNobel laureate Dr. Eric Kandel says brain imaging shows talk therapy can change brain biology—and even fight depression
What do you do when your wife starts talking to the devil?Mark Lukach’s memoir about his wife’s sudden psychotic disorder helps fill the need for books by caregivers, for caregivers
Jonathan William Hastie, 1975-2016Despite facing many challenges in life, he always forged ahead, with ‘a glint in his eye and smile on his face’
Students aren’t getting the facts about marijuanaResearch shows links to mental illness, lung capacity
REVIEW: Infectious Behaviour: Brain-Immune Connections in Autism, Schizophrenia, and DepressionBook by Paul Patterson
Faster, pussycat, kill, killA parasite linked to cats can make people reckless, aggressive, even suicidal