Why the markets can’t run hospitalsThe evidence overwhelmingly shows that public care is better-quality–and cheaper
Insite: ’Too early to tell’ if it works?Evidence on the harm-reduction facility is as good as we’ll ever get
The Oprah effect and why not all scientific evidence is valuableSome studies are more equal than others
The haunting spectre of energy drinks’Science-ish’ looks for evidence to back up our worries about the sugary, super-caffeinated beverages
Do school-based obesity interventions really work? ’Science-ish’ looks at the evidence behind taking the anti-obesity fight to the classroom
Is alternative medicine effective?’Science-ish’ looks at the evidence surrounding acupuncture and other treatments
Who’s afraid of a gay man’s blood? We are.Britain is the latest country to lift its lifetime ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men
Can hitting the gym cure the blues?Science-ish investigates claims that exercise alleviates depression