Dear Leafs: Thank you for sucking Overcoming adversity is such a cliché. It’s so refreshing to see you go the other way.
Feschuk: Whatever happened to the great debates?Imagine the epic debates that would flourish if millions could no longer confirm with a few keystrokes who starred in what
Stephen Harper’s rules of awesome diplomacy (Hint: More pandas.)Scott Feschuk on the Prime Minister’s global diplomacy tips, including ’never admit you may have made a mistake’
The truth, like Stephen Harper, is out there Mulder and Scully reunite in the odd case of Canadian veterans regrowing limbs
The nine stages of Canadian coldInuit have dozens of words for snow. Canadians as a whole have hundreds of swear words for winter.
How Harper parties the partisan wayLet us celebrate the nakedly partisan milestones of this great (since 2006) country
These robots hope you’ve enjoyed your hotel stayA hotel in which 10 robots do 90 per cent of the work—what could possibly go wrong?
The future of machines with feelingsExperts say machines that monitor and respond to our emotions will soon be ubiquitous: What could go wrong?
What’s old is old again: Feschuk checks out U.S. presidential hopefulsMaybe this time around, Mitt Romney will run as an anarchist
Happy election speculation season!Will Trudeau live-tweet the debate? What will insiders believe? Only time will tell this election season, Scott Feschuk writes.