Today’s headlines: The Senate expense scandal survives the BBQ circuitSeptember arrives and questions just won’t disappear
Contradictions emerge in the Wright-Duffy affairA pair of Conservative senators allegedly tried to convince Mike Duffy to take a bailout
When an Ottawa philanthropist was drawn into the Senate scandalBrian Karam provided a loan to beleaguered Senator Mac Harb
On the trail of the ‘Duffinator’Mike Duffy’s record shows why he was so valuable to the Conservatives, though not as a senator
Stephen Harper’s last chance to leadAfter Senate scandals and a backbench revolt, Harper loyalists are looking for an agenda from the prime minister
Dear Senate, sign here and don’t worryIs it any wonder Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin are in trouble? Just look at the paperwork.
Why the Senate must be scrapped, part IIMaclean’s editorial: ’These are grim times for our political leaders’
Why the Senate should be abolishedIn the face of patronage, scandal and futility, getting rid of the Senate is a better option than doing nothing at all
Canada’s Senate: Chamber of disreputeAfter months of scandals, could it finally be time to scrap the Senate? John Geddes reports