How conservative is new Supreme Court judge Russell Brown?He’s a libertarian, perhaps, but the newest member of the Supreme Court of Canada is no Antonin Scalia
On assisted suicide, the Supreme Court confronts Parliament’s cowardiceThe Court has done its job. Now it is up to legislators.
Is the Supreme Court review process dead? Was it ever really alive?The Prime Minister appoints a justice without parliamentary review
A tough day at the Supreme Court for supporters of a ban on assisted suicideWhat do yesterday’s hearings suggest about a ruling?
What you need to know about the Supreme Court assisted-suicide caseWe answer the questions around the big question as our highest court prepares to hear one of its most important cases
The Supreme Court confronts assisted suicide, againFrom the archives: Why is the court taking a second look? And where’s Parliament?
Infographic: The rapidly changing face of same-sex marriage in the U.S.A decade ago, same-sex marriage was legal in one state. Soon it will be 30.
Canada’s new prostitution law is a tough sellSex workers may not like it, but legal experts say Bill C-36 may well survive the inevitable court challenge