

What he was trying to say

Stephen Harper was apparently asked today about his comments in 1997 about a future “coalition or working alliance” among parties in Parliament.


What was Michael Ignatieff thinking (in regards to that hair cut) in 1994?

Again to the TVO archive, this time from 1994, when Michael Ignatieff and his luxurious head of hair sat down with Steve Paikin to discuss nationalism. Near the end of the interview, he confesses that one day he hopes to enter federal politics for the purpose of leading a coalition government. (Not really.)


The way he was

Among other curiosities in TVO’s new archive—for instance, a teenage Tony Clement discussing drugs in 1982—there are four vintage clips of Stephen Harper.


Apathy is boring

While TVO’s Mike Miner thinks at some length about the significance of it all, that Facebook group, as of this writing, has 65,000 members. Stephen Taylor, lead rallier for Canada, has helpfully set the magic number for democratically legitimacy at 127,000 members, the number drawn by his cause a year ago.


Paikin v. Kenney

The Immigration Minister on the Agenda.


Gregg v. Ignatieff

Twenty-seven more minutes of conversation. About nine-and-a-half minutes in they move on from True Patriot Love to talking about Ignatieff’s political career. Haven’t got time to watch it all before QP. Will go ahead and assume there are at least half a dozen attack ads in there somewhere.


Ontario profs battle to be the best

University of Toronto leads TVO competition with eight nominations


UPDATED! ITQ on TVO: I swear, I’m a big fan of citizen journalism. Honestly.

I just get so tired of the whole us vs. them attitude of some of its more zealous evangelists. Anyway, as promised earlier, here’s last night’s edition of The Agenda with Steve Paikin.