Sam Jackson supports Obama with new, profane videoIf Clint Eastwood is Mitt Romney’s right-hand man in Hollywood, Samuel L. Jackson might be Barack Obama’s.
Pay raise for the middle class? Not in this lifetimeThe American median household income is declining
Now updated with link to full video: No apologies from Romney Mitt Romney is offering no apologies after a video surfaced of the Republican presidential candidate saying that 47 per cent of Americans will vote for Obama no matter what.
’Mom-in-chief’ provokes debate on feminism and gender rolesAnne Kingston on Michelle Obama, the ’mom-off’ and the role of women outside of motherhood
Behind Mitt Romney’s response to killings in LibyaLuiza Ch. Savage looks at the Republican campaign’s foreign-policy fumble
Biden vs. Ryan: What the VP candidates bring to the raceLuiza Ch. Savage explains why neither Joe Biden nor Paul Ryan are ideal VP choices