
Why the Syrian refugee crisis has eluded our leaders’ grasp

Evan Solomon on the refugee crisis, and a Ugandan family who entered his own life 43 years ago

Ugandan ethics minister seeks ban on miniskirts, calling them ‘pornographic’

New anti-porn law would also ban Beyoncé and Madonna from TV


The Kony 2012 Vanity Project

Watching the first four minutes of Kony 2012, the viral online video by Jason Russell, co-founder of the NGO Invisible Children, I thought I had clicked on a faulty link and was seeing a film-maker’s vanity project about himself, or his young son, or Facebook, or something other than Joseph Kony, the gargoyle who has run the Lord’s Resistance Army of child soldiers for the past three decades.


Rights and advocacy

A week ago, Conservative party staff and MPs put together a contribution to the “It Gets Better” video series originally inspired by Dan Savage. In short order it was duly noted that Public Safety Minister Vic Toews opposed same-sex marriage and that Senator Don Meredith once said homosexuality is a choice, while the opposition subsequently pushed for the Harper government to defend gay rights within the Commonwealth and fund Gay Pride events in Canada.

Death from the skies

Death from the skies

More than 40 Ugandans have been struck dead by lightning in the last few weeks


Hypothetical commitments

As referenced by John earlier, here is Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon’s exchange with reporters on the subject of child soldiers and Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict.


Harper: hero to Uganda’s homosexuals

Harper opposes harsh laws aimed at Uganda’s homosexuals


Uganda proposes anti-gay laws

The bill would punish anyone who abets homosexual practices


Was Jane Doe the bait?

He exposed her to HIV, and police and Public Health, she claims, knew. Now she’s suing them.