The battle of Notley the oil-hater vs Kenney the bullyBoth Alberta parties are adopting the old Harper Conservative strategy: define the enemy early, define often and define relentlessly
Jason Kenney wooed Alberta’s conservatives. Next, the rest of Alberta.Throwing red meat to the base is fun, but Kenney’s social conservatism could now be a liability
For Jason Kenney and Brian Jean, it’s Alberta versus the worldThe would-be leaders of Alberta’s new conservative party envision a province preoccupied with its own interests, powers and identity. Where could they have gotten an idea like that?
Jason Kenney, Brian Jean and the war to define Alberta conservatismA vote to merge will formally kick off the race to lead Alberta’s United Conservative Party. That’s where things get weird.
Now the fight to lead Alberta’s united right beginsBoth Jason Kenney and Brian Jean are eager to challenge each other to be the dismantler-in-chief of the Alberta NDP government