On foreign policy, Trump and Trudeau are birds of a featherOpinion: A former diplomat on how both Trump and Trudeau are espousing weak foreign policy—and how that might be a bigger problem for Canada
Justin Trudeau’s UN motto: don’t make trouble, wear silly socksIn New York this week, Trudeau aimed to get on the good side of just about everyone who has turned the UN into a scandalously useless hulk
Watch live: Justin Trudeau addresses the United NationsThe Prime Minister will be speaking at the UN General Assembly at 1 pm ET today
Donald Trump and a bleak vision of the futureHe spoke of conflict and nations going to hell, and inside the world’s most self-important forum, his UN speech drew murmurs and muted applause
Donald Trump sounds off on North Korea in UN addressDonald Trump delivered his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he said "Rocket Man" Kim Jong-un is on a "suicide mission," and the U.S. would "totally destroy" North Korea if necessary.
Donny from marketing goes to the United NationsScott Gilmore: Trump’s much-awaited and ultimately amateurish UN speech confirmed that America’s relevance continues to shrink
At the UN, bracing for the arrival of Donald TrumpThe U.S. president says he wants to ’make the UN great.’ The Honourary Consul from Senegal says: ’I just hope he doesn’t offend anybody.’
Payam Akhavan on the sacrifices needed to make the world saferFrom 2017: A call to action from the UN’s youngest-ever war crimes prosecutor
Why U.N. sanctions against North Korea’s missile program failedInternational sanctions haven’t stopped North Korea’s missile program, and may have made its weapons procurement more sophisticated