Video: Kylie Masse, the Olympian on CampusWonder what it’s like to balance university life and swim competitions? Let record-setting Olympic swimmer Kylie Masse explain.
Massey College and insidious racism on Canadian campusesOpinion: Controversy at the University of Toronto underlines the insensitivity faced by many student leaders on campus
Awkward texts from parents: Back to schoolThe loving and smothering continues well into the university years. Students share their funniest and most uncomfortable text conversations with their parents as the school year gets underway.
Inside Canada’s first graduation ceremony for black studentsUniversity of Toronto students explain why they put together Canada’s first graduation ceremony for black students.
Why 30% more female professors still isn’t good enoughThe stats are promising, but Canadian universities are far from gender equity
Big law is having its Uber momentIt’s no longer just factory workers and long-haul truck drivers at risk of being replaced by robots. Now lawyers could be automated out of work, too.
Bright Idea: Ludwig the robot is helping dementia patients rememberThis adorable two-foot bot is on track to fill in communication gaps for people with dementia
You need a science degree to tackle the art of medical illustrationBiomedical illustration has jumped from ink and paper to studio animation and 3D. It’s tough to crack into, but fun.
The Weeknd is helping U of T resurrect a lost Ethiopian languageUniversity of Toronto launches a course in 2,000-year-old Ge’ez, part of its Ethiopian studies program—aided by a star
Music therapy is no longer languishing on medicine’s fringesMusic therapy is gaining legitimacy in the medical community, leading to more programs and jobs