woodrow wilson

How 1916 set the stage for America to enter WWI

The U.S. greeted the outbreak of the First World War with disbelief, but by late 1916 thousands of Americans were already personally involved in the war


By A. Scott Berg

Jim Flaherty: ‘Do it for your country’

The prepared text of a speech—an interesting, perhaps even charming, and apparently quite personal speech—delivered today by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to students at the University of Western Ontario’s Ivey School of Business.


Where have you gone, Rutherford B. Hayes?

The President gets to play rock star once a year with the Vice-President and the Speaker of the House as his rhythm section


Was Obama’s Nobel for “awesomeness” and positive thinking?

The President’s win is like ‘The Secret’ being unleashed on the worldwide political stage