work-life balance

You’re Wrong About Gen Z

Young Canadians like me are fighting for saner, happier, healthier working lives. What we achieve could transform work for everyone.

Why do so many women feel overwhelmed, stressed out and tired?

Between technology and feminism, life was supposed to get easier for women. What went wrong—and can we fix it?

The real problem with politicians’ vacation time? Not enough of it.

Politicians—and their staffers—are starting to skip vacations to do more work. Is that really a good thing?

Melinda Gates dares MPs to spend time with family. Will they listen?

Liberal MP Peter Schiefke has made seeing his family—and young son—a priority

Working hard or hardly working?

People claim they’re putting in more time at their jobs than ever before. Turns out we toil a lot less than we think.

The war on work-life balance

Why once-celebrated programs that let employees set their own schedules have flopped

Advantage, working mothers

Advantage, working mothers

The latest evidence makes a case for choosing a job over staying home, fuelling the mommy-wars debate

How today’s parents got squeezed out

Canada needs to address the income gap between boomers and their kids

Female science profs less satisfied

Nearly half say they have fewer children than desired