Yo-Yo Ma


Stephen Harper, possibly a human being

In the wake of Stephen Harper dancing, CTV and the Star consider the larger meaning and wider ramifications. CTV links this week’s vaguely rhythmic movement with Mr. Harper’s not-quite-in-tune singing ten months ago to suggest some sort of trend.

Is the Prime Minister turning into a giddy celebrity hound?

How Stephen Harper ended up hobnobbing with the world’s megastars


Martha Stewart’s BFF from hell

A former confidante betrays the style maven in a new book


He looks so human. Encore, encore!

One small step for Stephen Harper, one giant leap for the political strategist in us all


Ordinary people

Granted, “ordinary people” may not see much in this, but here’s the Prime Minister making like Ringo Starr with Yo-Yo Ma.


The Commons: How it looked from here

Watching the Governor General (and 150 of her closest friends) watch Obama make history