Here’s a very quick round-up of reports on the CRTC’s ruling today on the issue of signal fees — though the ruling is not final, since the CRTC is leaving it up to the courts to determine the limits of its authority on this issue:

The Toronto Star’s summary of the ruling: “The federal regulatory agency released an important decision Monday supporting the principle of private broadcasters being able to obtain compensation for their on-air signals, which cable and satellite providers are currently able to get for free… [but] stayed away from imposing what had come to be called ‘fee for carriage’ – where cable companies pay networks a certain amount of money in exchange for the right to include their channels in their packages – by leaving it up to the market to decide what each signal is worth.”

The Hollywood Reporter gives a U.S.-centric perspective (“the country’s TV watchdog on Monday opened the way for Canadians to be forced to pay to watch U.S. series-rich local TV signals”). Also, The Wall Street Journal has its own summary: “Instead of the regulator imposing a fee for carriage, broadcasters and cable and satellite operators are being left to determine the value of those signals.”

Bill Brioux blogs his thoughts on the matter at TV Feeds My Family.

– On a related note, according to a new poll, apparently we’re now spending more time online than in front of regular TV sets, but just barely.