9:00 am : VIPs begin arriving
9:45 : Platform seating begins
11:03 : Former Presidents announced and seated
11:20 : President Bush and VP Cheney announced and seated
11:25 : President-elect Obama is announced and seated
11:30 : Program begins
11:46 : Vice Presidential Oath administered by Justice Stevens
11:49 : Performance by Yo-Yo Ma, Anthony McGill, Gabriela Montero, Itzhak Perlman
11:56 : The Presidential oath is administered by Chief Justice Roberts
12:01 pm : Inaugural address
12:27 : Benediction given by Reverend Lowery
12:32 : Departure ceremony
12:36 : President and Mrs. Bush depart from the East plaza in a helicopter
12:52 : Presidents Room signing in
1:05 : Statuary Hall luncheon
2:32 : Review of the troops
2:36 : POTUS leaves with parade