Let’s pretend for a moment that the London-based Islamic Human Rights Commission, an “independent, not-for-profit, campaign, research and advocacy organization,” really exists to champion human rights, as its website claims. Let’s even allow that, as an Islamic organization, it might be more concerned with human rights abuses perpetuated against Muslims. Its website, after all, urges readers not to be a “silent victim,” and to contact the organization if they have suffered anti-Muslim harassment or discrimination. One would assume, then, that the Islamic Human Rights Commission would be very concerned about the oppression, incarceration, murder, and rape of dissidents in Iran — almost all of whom, after all, are Muslims.
Asked about these events at a recent “Al Quds Day” rally, though, the IHRC’s chair, Massoud Shadjareh, replied: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I wonder why that is?