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Olympic Caption Challenge: Vote Now!

Winner = prize
By Scott Feschuk

UPDATE: And the winner, by a narrow margin over Sean, is Mike T. Congrats, Mike: Now please email me your address at [email protected] so I can send you your Olympics-themed prize. And do it quickly: despite the air holes, Juan Antonio Samaranch seems a little uncomfortable in his cardboard box.

Because I’m caught up in the spirit of the Olympics (translation: way hungover), I’m placing seven entries into the finals — with a nice, even split between saucy entries with sexual connotations and other entries I barely care about because of the lack of sexual connotations.

Vote for your favourite in the poll area below. The finalist leading in the vote as of 8 o’clock ET Wednesday morning will receive by mail a high-quality(ish) piece of Olympic merchandise valued in the ones of dollars!

Our seven finalists:

  • “So… any ideas for the next budget?” – Fred_Moro
  • “What do you mean you’re already seeing Adam Giambrone?” – Mike T.
  • “Is that a mogul in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” – Chris B
  • “See Jennifer, no hydraulic malfunction here!” – MaggiesFarmboy
  • “Good job Jenn! I like following the Americans’ lead, too.” – Sean
  • “Wanna touch my cardigan?” – CCC
  • “Bob and Doug and me think that was some great goofy, eh?” – Diogenes54

[polldaddy poll=2708232]