
Weekend Flop Viewing: CUPID

With the remake going into production, let’s re-familiarize ourselves with one of the great cult flops of the ’90s, Rob Thomas’s Cupid with Jeremy Piven. It’s still Piven’s best role, Ari Gold or no Ari Gold, and as I said, the guy he reminds me of most is Bruce Willis — the youngish Bruce Willis of Moonlighting. That character was conceived as an alternative to all the Sensitive Guys on TV in the ’80s, someone who was kind of crude and obnoxious, but was nevertheless likable because there was something sweet about him. Like Willis’s David Addison, Piven’s Cupid is annoying, but in a childish kind of way; he’s really a child in a man’s body. Besides, we need more TV heroes who don’t have an excessive amount of hair. Here’s the pilot.

Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5


Part 3 of 5


Part 4


Part 5
