Highlights in Readers Digest
Just wanted to mention that some of the features from Kickstart were printed in Reader’s Digest this month. This isn’t just to plug the stories they picked from the book, but rather to comment on the bright, glossy photos they found. Bruce Poon Tip looks the part of the accomplished entrepreneur that he is. Lynda Haverstock, cold-as-steel look in her eye, standing in front of what look like Marines (who knew the former Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan’s secret service detail was so impressive?). Raffi is pictured with kids and bananas (in reference to his hit “Bananaphone,” of course). And Eddie Greenspan is shown with, of all things, a basketball. Funny, he never mentioned an interest in the sport when we interviewed him.
Anyway, Reader’s Digest did a good job picking these stories, as they were certainly among those that inspired us the most: Havertock had to overcome a debilitating injury in her twenties, Greenspan almost gave up lawyering, Poon Tip bemoaned the cold, solitary existence of a start-up businessperson in Canada. They’re all inspiring.
And, if you’re looking for this new edition of the magazine, it should be easy to find. It’s the one at magazine stands with Barack Obama on the cover…