climate change

How I’m Making My Olympic Bid More Eco-Friendly

Elite sports can be big polluters. Here’s how I’m making my Olympic podium run better for the planet.

Big Idea: Capture Carbon From the Air

Companies need to stop their emissions from polluting the skies. Direct air capture can help absorb what’s already up there.

I evacuated from Yellowknife this summer. Coming home was the hardest part.

“We’re all a little broken. There’s solidarity in that.”

A line of cars and trucks wait in standstill traffic on a curved wet road.

“Sixty-three per cent of N.W.T’s population have been evacuated”

Alty says at least 6,500 residents have left since the evacuation order was given on Wednesday, with more departing today

“It’s like going off to war”: This man is helping evacuate fire-plagued Yellowknife

“Northerners are the toughest people on the planet, and we come together in a crisis”

Canada in the Year 2060

Summers lost to fire and smoke. Biblical floods. Dying forests. Retreating coasts. Economic turmoil and political unrest. It’s going to be a weird century. Here’s what it will look like—and how Canada can get through it.

Climate change is here to stay—and climate therapy might be too

A Q&A with therapist Jared Knoll, who treats farmers and university students with eco-anxiety and eco-grief

I was living my dream in Costa Rica. Climate change sent me packing back to Toronto.

“I couldn’t help but feel a bit hopeless, knowing the next storm could bring the same, or worse”

We rode a grief bus back to our burned-down home

“It was cathartic and soothing. It provided us with a sense of finality.”

For $2.4 million, you can buy this net-zero corrugated-steel home in Ontario

The one-of-a-kind property has a wood-burning stove and mezzanine loft

I’ve spent six years earthquake-proofing my house in anticipation of B.C.’s Big One

Experts warn of a one-in-three chance of Victoria being shaken by earthquakes in the next 50 years. I’m doing all I can to prepare.

This woman built a greenhouse that grows eye-catching exotic fruits—in Nova Scotia

Annette Clarke’s nursery is expanding the definition of what’s growable out east