
Killing the ’vampire squid’

Protesting Goldman execs
By Chris Sorensen
Killing the 'vampire squid'
Jim Young/Reuters/ Jonathan Fickies/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Goldman Sachs has an image problem. Unlike the rest of America, the legendary Wall Street firm emerged from the financial crisis a big winner, paying huge bonuses to its employees after shrewdly betting against the same mortgaged-backed securities it helped create, and which were blamed for the financial meltdown that followed.

Memorably dubbed by Rolling Stone as a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity,” Goldman is now trying to remake its image into that of a valuable financial partner, as opposed to a ruthless carpetbagger. It has taken out ads in several newspapers that feature the windmills of an unnamed green-energy client, suggesting its financial dealings are good for the country. The problem? Some are concerned the billions currently being poured into green industries will result in another bubble. And Goldman, judging by the ads, once again appears to be in the thick of the action.