
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers came to rescue frosh week

Simon Fraser Student Society promotes big campus show

Simon Fraser University, atop Burnaby Mountain in suburban Vancouver, “has a bit of a reputation as a commuter school where there’s not a lot of fun,” says Christina Guan, who does social media for the Simon Fraser Student Society. “A lot of students, especially new students, feel there’s not a lot of school spirit,” adds the third-year communications major. One reason it suffers, she says, is orientations without huge shows to cap them off, unlike at the nearby University of British Columbia, which has always had a big Firstweek finale (this year included; Kid Cudi’s on the bill). So when Guan heard the SFSS was planning its biggest-everFall Kickoff show and DJ contest, featuring Mat Zo, Dzeko & Torres and CLMD, she saw a chance to turn things around by getting as many students as possible to attend the show. Her approach was to create a YouTube video of people dressed as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers dancing around campus. The TV show, which first aired 20 years ago this week, is something she says most of 2013’s frosh can relate to. Go Go Guan!