Trying to find a title to define Senator Edward M. Kennedy is not easy. The youngest of the Kennedy brothers has probably lived the fullest life of any American politician. He has survived for over forty years in the US Senate, one of only three to have done that. Democrats and Republicans agree that he has been the most influential senators in the past twenty five years. Very few pieces of legislation lack the Kennedy touch. When Teddy Kennedy speaks in the Senate, everyone listens.
But life has not been easy for Teddy Kennedy. He lost his three brothers in tragic circumstances; three of his nephews also died in tragic circumstances; and two of his children have had to battle life threatening cancers. Through it all, he has been the force behind the Kennedy name and family. While he failed in his bid for the presidency in 1980, he still carried the Kennedy flame of idealism.
Yes, Teddy Kennedy remains an idealist. He is about to face his toughest battle and we would be wise to bet on his success. Senator Kennedy is one of those unique individuals who never gives up and who continues to inspire all those who know him. In this presidential election, the senator is supporting Barack Obama. This support is due to Kennedy’s sense of commitment and his belief in continuing the work of his brothers, JKF and RFK. It is not so important whom he supports but what he supports. At the end of the day, the only title I could think of to describe Teddy Kennedy is … courage.