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Google Nose, Scope Bacon mouthwash and Personal Car advice from the TTC

Smell the future with the latest April Fool’s product
By Emily Senger

There are some fishy things happening on the Internet this morning, but the latest offering from Google — Google Nose — will allow users to sniff them out.

Much like Google Glass will allow users to see the world in a whole new way, Google Nose (beta) will bring users a whole new dimension in their searches by searching through a 15-million scentibyte database of smells.

“We’re excited to announce Google Nose beta, our flagship olfactory knowledge feature enabling users to search for smells,” says Google product manager Jon Wooly in a video posted to Youtube on April 1.

And, for those wary of what could be hidden in all those scentibytes, Google has this feature: “Don’t ask, don’t smell: For when you’re wary of your query – SafeSearch included.”

Google wasn’t the only company getting in on April Fool’s action.

Mouthwash maker Scope is cashing in on the food trend of bacon on everything. We can already get bacon-topped cupcakes and bacon jam, so the next logical step is Scope Bacon mouthwash. The new product, launched on the morning on April 1, promises “breath that sizzles.”

And, in Toronto, the Toronto Transit Commission proved it has a sense of humour by introducing the Personal Car, a dedicated subway car on each train where any annoying personal behaviour is not only allowed, but encouraged.

So bust out those nail clippers, eat smelly food, take up multiple seats, speak loudly on your cell phone and wear giant backpacks, but only until noon on April 1. After that, the Personal Car expires, along with Google Nose, Scope Bacon, and all the other pranks circulating on the Internet this morning.