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ITQ Witness Watch: M(ulroney) R(ecall) Day Minus Nine (and counting)

By Kady O'Malley

… and still no word from the official site on whether former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney has accepted the invitation from the House Ethics committee to make a return appearance before June 12th. Of course, if the current Prime Minister finally gets around to setting up the fabled promised public inquiry, the whole issue could become moot — but unless and until he does, the clock is ticking.

In other, vaguely Mulroney-related news …

Former former prime ministerial spokesman Luc Lavoie — who famously resigned from the file last year, just as the Schreiber scandal was heating up, claiming that he just didn’t have time for his longtime client – makes a cameo appearance in today’s La Presse, and you just won’t believe the context. Hint: It has to do with ministerial temptress turned tableturner Julie Couillard, and her tour de force one-on-one exclusive last week with TVA.

UPDATE – Just before going into deadline lockup, Colleague Wells pointed out via email that this puts a whole new slant on Le Journal de Montreal’s (at the time, somewhat inexplicable) fuzzification of Mlle. Couillard’s face last week, as noted by Les Maudits. Luc Lavoie is, after all, an executive vice president at Quebecor which owns both Le Journal and TVA.