Quebec isn’t a multicultural society

It’s not me saying it. It’s not even the opposition Parti Québécois (though they certainly say it as well…). It’s the Quebec government’s official policy.

It’s not me saying it. It’s not even the opposition Parti Québécois (though they certainly say it as well…). It’s the Quebec government’s official policy.

According to the Immigration et Communautés culturelles ministry, Quebec’s official way of integrating immigrants is ‘interculturalism’, not multiculturalism—which, you’ll remember, is Canada’s official policy since 1971.

I wrote a piece about it this week. No one at the ministry could tell me precisely when ‘interculturalism’ (wiki definition here) became Quebec’s official policy, or under whose authority, but it is. Apparently.

Quebec has a fair bit of autonomy over the selection of immigrants who settle within its borders, and I came away thinking it very odd that there is so little known about something that effects so many people.

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