The Quiz

This week, we test your trivia skills on everything from outer space to Scrabble

<p>In 2005, this image from NASA&#8217;s Hubble Space Telescope was used to identify two new moons orbiting Pluto. Pluto is in the center. The moon Charon is just below it. The newly discovered moons, Nix and Hydra, are to the right of Pluto and Charon. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, H. Weaver (JHU/APL), A. Stern (SwRI), and the HST Pluto Companion Search Team</p>

In 2005, this image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope was used to identify two new moons orbiting Pluto. Pluto is in the center. The moon Charon is just below it. The newly discovered moons, Nix and Hydra, are to the right of Pluto and Charon. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, H. Weaver (JHU/APL), A. Stern (SwRI), and the HST Pluto Companion Search Team

Why we don’t need to send a man to Mars—at least, not yet

This week, we test your trivia skills on everything from the outer space to Scrabble:

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Questions about the questions? You can reach quizmaster Terrance Balazo here:

Twitter: @A_R_Trivia

Gmail: [email protected]