Just calm down . . .

What can you do when anxiety hits?

Just calm down?.?.?.

Dr. Michael Van Ameringen, professor in psychiatry at McMaster University, shares his top four tips for coping with university-related anxiety:

HIT THE GYM: “It’s been proven repeatedly that physical activity helps people manage anxiety and elevate mood. Make sure you incorporate that as part of your week.”

MANAGE EXPECTATIONS: “It’s important to learn to have reasonable expectations of yourself when you go to a new place. You’re not going to figure out the way to learn and instantly get 90s in all classes.”

TAKE A BREAK: “There’s no doubt that people are more efficient when they work for fixed periods of time, followed by planned breaks.”

PHONE A FRIEND: “It’s important not to allow yourself to become isolated. Staying in touch with people by phone and visiting them regularly is key. So is getting involved with campus activities because they provide vehicles for meeting new people.”