Vancouver gas prices hit record high with no relief in sight for Canadian driversCanadians should expect sky-high prices this summer – especially if you’re in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver
The Maclean’s Year Ahead quiz: What do you know about 2018?Take our trivia test about what lies ahead in 2018, and try to tackle the score of Peter Dyakowski—a CFL lineman, and one of Canada’s smartest people
Can you beat our trivia genius at the Maclean’s Quiz?Our trivia test is the toughest around. And our Genius is, too—CFL-tough. Can you beat Peter Dyakowski’s 83% score?
Try to tackle the Maclean’s Quiz and our trivia genius!Spend the long weekend trying to untangle these trivia stumpers, and try to beat Peter Dyakowski’s quiz score!
Try to tackle the Maclean’s Quiz and our trivia genius!Our trivia test is the toughest around. And our Genius is, too—CFL-tough. Can you beat Peter Dyakowski’s 70%?
Try to tackle the Maclean’s Quiz—and our Genius, Peter DyakowskiOur biweekly trivia test is the toughest around. And our Genius is, too—CFL-tough. Can you beat Peter Dyakowski’s 80% score?
Think you know more than one of Canada’s smartest people?Our biweekly trivia test is one of the toughest around. But can you beat our CFL-tough Genius Peter Dyakowski’s 80 per cent score?
Think you know more than one of Canada’s smartest people? Prove it!Our big biweekly trivia test is one of the toughest quizzes around. But our Genius, Peter Dyakowski, is CFL-tough. Can you beat his 73%?
The Quiz: Do you think you’re smarter than the Maclean’s Genius?Our big biweekly trivia test is one of the toughest around. But our Genius is CFL-tough. Can you beat his 80%?
The Quiz: Do you think you’re smarter than the Maclean’s Genius?Our big biweekly trivia test is one of the toughest around. But our Genius is CFL-tough. Can you beat his 63%?