
IS feature image

ISIS foreign fighters are coming home. Now what?

We take stock of how many have returned and what the Liberals are doing about it.
Trump Russia

Making sense of the Trump Tower meeting

As President Trump approaches one year in office, we take a closer look at a pivotal Trump Tower meeting at the heart of the ongoing Russia investigation—a persistent mess for the president’s administration.
Hecklers vs Trudeau

Trudeau vs. hecklers: Canada’s PM takes the heat at town halls

Tough crowd. Here’s a recap of the three tensest moments between Trudeau and hecklers on his town hall tour this week. How do you think he handled them?
David Frum

David Frum: Why Canada has escaped the ’Trump Effect.’ For now.

Good policy and some luck have allowed Canada to evade the ’Trump Effect’, argues the conservative commentator, but that could change.
trudeau town hall

Watch Canadians grill Trudeau over ethics and pot legalization

Justin Trudeau faced tough questions at his first town-hall event of the year in Sackville, N.S., where he had to defend the ethics of his vacation with the Aga Khan, legalization of marijuana and Ottawa’s position on ALS treatments.
world feature

Five to Watch in 2018: World

From Nicola Sturgeon to Mark Zuckerberg, these are the five political figures to watch around the world.

Five to Watch in 2018: Culture

Drake, Tatiana Maslany and three more Canadian in culture with major projects in the works for 2018.

Ian Campeau: Men need to speak out against sexual violence

Ian Campeau, a former member of the DJ group A Tribe Called Red, talks about the role men must play in ending gender-based violence.
Paul Mason, aka Fashion Santa

Fashion Santa explains the Great Christmas Tree Debate: Real vs. Fake

Which Christmas tree is on the nice or naughty list this year, real or artificial? Paul Mason, aka Fashion Santa, delves into this annual debate. Happy holidays!

Why Canada should let Haitian asylum seekers stay

It’s not just compassion that should drive government policy towards Haitian migrants. Western countries, Canada included, owe the country a massive debt, says Andray Domise.