
A progress report on the selection of a new PBO

As noted earlier today, the appointment of the parliamentary budget officer is set out in the Parliament of Canada Act. The act allows for the creation of a committee by the Parliamentary Librarian that would be charged with recommending three candidates to the government. I emailed the Library of Parliament to ask if such a committee was to be formed. Here is the response.

The Library issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking the services of an executive search firm to assist with the recruitment and selection of candidates for the PBO position. The closing date for the RFP process is tomorrow, Tuesday, January 22, 2013.

Following the evaluation of proposals, the Library will issue a contract to a supplier who will then prepare the recruitment strategy and detailed work plan, including a list of activities and timeline.

As you note, the Parliament of Canada Act sets out that the Parliamentary Librarian has the responsibility of forming and chairing a committee whose mandate is to provide the names of three candidates for the position of PBO to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, for appointment by the Governor in Council.

The intention is to include former senior officials who worked in federal public administrations, such as former Auditors General, past PCO Clerks, former heads of other central agencies and possibly former parliamentarians who are knowledgeable in this area of expertise. Notable experts from the private sector may also be considered as potentially suitable selection committee members.