Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.


OctoberIn working on my book I found the research from numerous experts on public opinion.  Attack ads work by driving down voter turn-out.  Attack ads discourage people from showing up to vote. So, by definition, attack ads are anti-democratic.

NovemberIn order to have open, fair and participatory election campaigns, Canada should ban the use of television for political advertising before and during the writ periods.

JanuaryAttack ads are anti-democratic and anti-Canadian. So what are we to make of a Prime Minister who resorts to using the nastiest of slurs when the House is in recess, there is no election and there is work to be done?

MarchGreen Party Leader Elizabeth May has repeatedly lamented political attack ads. But, with their apparent effectiveness being repeatedly demonstrated by the federal Conservatives, the Green Party says it “has no option” but to release attack ads of its own to get its message across. The new attack, in English and French, will be released by Ms. May at a news conference Monday on Parliament Hill.