Lawrence Cannon, Nov. 20. “Mr. Khadr faces very serious charges. He is being held and it’s our government’s intention to follow and respect the process that’s in place and, of course, to respect American sovereignty on this issue.”
Deepak Obhrai, Nov. 21. “Mr. Speaker, our position remains unchanged, because unlike many prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay, Omar Khadr has actually been charged with serious crimes and is in a judicial legal process to determine his guilt or innocence, and we support this process continuing.”
Stephen Harper, Jan. 13. “He has been accused of very serious matters. And there is a legal process that has to be taken.”
Susan Crawford, convening authority of military commissions, Jan. 14. The system she oversees probably can’t function now, she said. “Certainly in the public’s mind, or politically speaking, and certainly in the international community” it may be forever tainted. “It may be too late.”
Eric Holder, Attorney General designate, Jan. 15.“I don’t think the military commissions that we now have in place have all the due process requirements that I would like to see in them.”
Air Force Colonel Peter Masciola, chief commission defence lawyer, Jan. 16. “The perception of pervasive torture now saddles the incoming administration and its efforts to set these proceedings on a just course. There is only one way to begin changing that perception, and also the reality, of fundamental injustice: Withdraw the referrals now.”