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GiornoWatch: Show’s over for now, folks - nothing to see here ...

By Kady O'Malley

Or, at least, that’s what he wants us to believe …

Actually, there really doesn’t seem to be much going on – not according to the Giornomicon, that is, which has stayed pretty much static since last week.

Within the inner sanctum of the Giornoffice itself, a new special assistant has been annointed. His name is Stephen Staley, and that’s pretty much all we know about him so far, other than the fact that he appears to be from Toronto, and he shares a name with both a voice actor and a British entrepreneur, which makes him a very elusive target for Google-based background checking. Given his title, he may be a ringer, brought in to replace Daniel “Danny” Joseph –  one of the first new names to show up in GEDS after the Giornorrival, only to vanish a few days later, never to be seen again.

Meanwhile, over at Personal, Administration and Appointments, Geraldine Hyland is the new manager of operations — she, too, appears to be an import from Toronto — and … that’s about it, really. Well, as far as the Prime Minister’s Office itself, that is – the Giorno Shift is, we assume, still very much underway within the senior ranks of ministerial servitude, so stay tuned — and rest assured that GiornoWatch is monitoring any and all developments. Hey, it’s July in Ottawa — what else have we got to do? (Note: Lots, actually — it’s amazing how summer never ends up being quite as lazy and newsless as you think.)