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Question period 20121119
President of the Treasury Board Tony Clement responds to a question during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Monday, November 19, 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Patrick Doyle PATRICK DOYLE

Rodger Cuzner is unimpressed with Tony Clement

A Liberal MP tweets seven unflattering adjectives
By Aaron Wherry

Liberal MP Sean Casey, NDP MP Peter Stoffer, Defence Minister Peter MacKay and Treasury Board president Tony Clement were involved in a spiriting series of exchanges this afternoon over the treatment of disabled military and RCMP veterans.

Liberal MP Rodger Cuzner was apparently unimpressed with Mr. Clement’s final response.

Tony Clement just offered the stupidest,most useless,irrelevant,unrelated,embarrassing ,condescending,flippant non answer I’ve heard in 12ys