Our weekly, and wholly arbitrary, ranking of the ten most worthy, or at least entertaining, MPs, excluding the Prime Minister, cabinet members and party leaders. A celebration of all that is great and ridiculous about the House of Commons. Last week’s rankings appear in parentheses.

1. Maxime Bernier (1)
The  most interesting man in Ottawa right now.
2. Jack Harris (5)
Maybe the most underrated (or underappreciated, or undernoticed) politician in the country. All he’s done since returning to Ottawa in October 2008 is help push Parliament toward one of the most significant moments in its history while doggedly pursuing one of the great moral and political issues of our time. Now he’s around the table to participate in a series of historic negotiations that may set a standard for the future of our federal democracy. Not bad for the former leader of the third party in Newfoundland.
3. Derek Lee (-)
This week’s ruling also assures Mr. Lee’s place in history as one of his generation’s most significant parliamentarians.
Francine Lalonde (2)
5. Helena Guergis (3)
6. Pat Martin (6)
Seems unjust to select just one of his comment’s this week for recognition, but here’s one. “Mr. Speaker, some say it is too bad the Federal Accountability Act was not written on softer paper because it could take its place in the outhouse next to the Eaton’s catalogue.”
7. Shelly Glover (4)
The government side’s most enthusiastic clapper. Some clap out of obligation, Ms. Glover really feels strongly about it each time she puts her hands together.
8. Daniel Paille (7)
9. Bob Rae (8)
10. Joe Comartin (9)

Previous rankings: March 12March 19April 3April 10. April 25.